Sunday, June 25, 2006

When it rains it pours

When it rains needy dogs, it just pours needy dogs.  We have Summer, New Baby, Ninja and one cute little pit bull baby with one eye that need foster home placements.  We are trying to find someone able to transport the little east Carolina pirate to a waiting rescue in MA.  He is staying at a vet clinic in Greenville NC.  His mother bit him in the head and punctured his eye.  Braveheart Pit Bull Rescue is going to take this baby and foster him until he is healed and a home can be found.  We just need to get him up there.  Any long haul truckers willing to take on an extra 10 lbs cargo?
Summer is getting better and better each day.  She is learning to walk on a harness or a gentle leader while her neck is healing.  She won't be able to have any collar around her neck for some time while it heals and grows back together.
Ninja is learning house skills really quickly as he is one smart little puppy.  He can already kennel up on command and is completely crate trained - never has an accident.  He is almost housebroken too at only 10 weeks.  What a little super star.

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