Monday, June 12, 2006

Hurrican Preparedness

What to do NOW:

1. Buy extra collars and I.D. tags (your name, address, phone #) and if possible get your pets micro-chiped.

2. Have a leash for each pet

3. Buy a portable plastic crate for each dog and cat and get them used to it by making it comfortable (mats, blankets, etc.) inviting (feed them in it) and fun (toys & treats). These crates can be purchased at discount stores and pet stores. The crate should be appropriately sized with enough room in the carrier for food & water dishes, space for the pet to lie down and turn around, and a shoe
box sized litter box for cats. Be sure to familiarize your pet with the carrier in advance.

4. Buy non-spill-type water & food bowls that fit into these crates.

5. Take and keep photos of all your pets to assist in locating them if they become lost.

6. Keep "Anxiety & Stress" medications on hand. Either those you can get from your vet or herbal remedies.

7. Keep their vaccination paperwork on hand (or at least copies)

8. Plan for evacuation and where you can go WITH your pets. If it is unsafe for you to remain, it is also unsafe for your pet

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